Never thought this would happen to me
4/Oct/2017 - I went for my normal midwife appointment and when she asked about his movements, and I realised he’d moved twice since Sunday (it was now Wednesday) so the midwife sent me to the hospital to be monitored and they found that he was measuring really small and my placenta stopped working, so they gave me a steroid injection, booked me in for another the next day and another scan Friday to determine whether or not to induce me or send me in for a c-section.
6/Oct/2017 - Friday morning I have the blood test for gestational diabetes, I never got the results. And that afternoon they did a scan and Decided I wouldn’t be going home and I’d be staying in, so I get admitted and me and my boyfriend and my mom go up to my room to get sorted, and my mom rushes home to get my bags, at this point the doctor had decided that it wasn’t urgent enough to induce me there and then and they was going to do it on Monday.
7/Oct/2017 - After being monitored every 3 hours, they decided he wasn’t happy and they were going to induce me early, his heart rate kept dropping but it wasn’t serious enough for a c-section, so I’m moved to the induction ward and they give me my first gel, 6 hours later they give me my 2nd gel,
8/Oct/2017 - She was supposed to check me again at 4:30am but thought I was asleep so she left me for 2 more hours, so 6:30 she checks me and I’m 3cm and ready to go to the delivery suite! So I called my boyfriend and both our moms and they met me in my room at 7:30, by then I was contracting every 10 minutes and I hadn’t had the drip yet so my mom and boyfriend stayed with me while his mom went and waited in the cafe, my mom left after the drip so that left my poor boyfriend to deal with me😂. So the drip was in at 8, my waters broke at 8:20 because they struggled because of how tight the sac was around my baby’s head, I was a 4 from 8:20-11:30, at which point I thought I needed a poo, so I hobbled to the toilet but nothing, back on the bed and my body started pushing with every contraction, my midwife told me I was only a 4 so stop pushing - so stupid me thought I was about to poo myself and kicked my boyfriend out and called my mom in to shout at her because I knew my boyfriend would take the piss and my mom wouldn’t. Well my midwife turns me into my back and turns out there was a head coming out! We didn’t have time to call my boyfriend back in, but he walked in the second they put our baby on me, turns out he was outside laughing at me cause he thought I was pooing myself🙄😂, that’s also when the anaesthetist walked in for my epidural😂 so I did the whole thing on gas and air (mainly biting the mouthpiece and breathing into it not breathing in the gas and air😂) and little man was born 8/10/2017 12:04pm, 35+2, 3lb 13oz, little Alfie😍

He spent a week and a day in Neonatal, 3 days in TC and he came home 26/10/2017😍

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.