Orgasms different when masturbating vs having sex?

My orgasms have always felt different when I’m masturbating versus when I’m having sex. I’m not talking intercourse but when my partner is getting me off and/or going down on me.

When I masturbate the feeling slowly builds and then I feel it about to come and then I orgasm. But it’s like a clear build to the top and then reach the peak, which I guess has been my “normal” experience with orgasms.

But when I’m having sexytimes with my partner it feels very different? He’ll get me off and it feels really good right from the beginning, but it doesn’t really go anywhere. I feel like it stays at this good baseline but I don’t ever reach a clear peak like I do when I masturbate. So I’m not entirely sure if I have orgasmed during sex in the same way, I guess it’s just a more prolonged good feeling. It’s usually been this way since I started having sex, and with multiple partners. And it’s not really a partner thing because even when we’re having sex and I’m getting myself off it still feels that way. Although I feel kind of bad about it because I’m not sure I’m “getting there”?

So I was wondering if this was something other people experience? Or if there’s a way to change it?