My boyfriend might be the father of the child


So I posted on here yesterday telling how my boyfriend has to strangely go visit his ex girlfriends baby even tho he claimed the child isn't his. But come to find out he has to take a DNA test that's why his mom has been on him. Like I feel stupid for being mad, because she got pregnant before I was even in the picture. Even his mom said I was stupid for feeling some way about this. But when me and him first starting dating I asked him if he had any kids because I couldn't be with him if he did. He said he was a father figure and that his recent ex is pregnant but he keep making it known that he isn't the father. Now look, our relationship is on the rocks. Am I being stupid and selfish for not wanting to be with him for having a kid. He says our relationship won't change but if that baby is his I know for a fact it will. He keeps saying this proves to him that I don't love him like I say I do. I just don't wanna be jealous of a baby. Like I wish they could see that this hurts me too because it put our relationship at risk and I don't like that. But by all means I don't want to be pushed aside so I will guard my heart but be honest. What's your advice.