Help 😭

Melissa • Mummy to two coming 3 (due August) beautiful children.

This is quite long. But need advice so bad!!!!

So last weekend, Friday night, I went out with a few friends!!! Me and my boyfriend of 2 years where broke up!! Only by a few weeks. But we have 2 kids so he was still in touch a lot!! Saying he wanted us to work it out and he loves me etc!!! The night I went out with my friends he showed all signs of jealousy and even admitted he was feeling jealous. He didn't sleep all night! And from 8 am until 10 am the next morning I had 27 missed calls from him and loads of texts freakinf out and asking had I met someone! I assured him I hadn't at all. He kept on asking and asking and asking and assuming I did. So I told him the truth, that yea I was tortured by a guy all night, but fa happened. But he couldn't let it go. And that whole night and all day the next day, he ignored me. THEN admitted he was playing games because I left his head over the place and didn't care! This week, Thursday, we patched things up and got back together. He stayed over. We got drunk, had sex, spent the night together. Got on amazing the next day! And even Saturday day! Then, he told me he was going out sat night with his sister for Halloween, and dressing up! But unlike me he would keep in touch! And rightly so, the entire night on Saturday he sent photos and rang me a few times etc. Then rang me again yesterday morning! Completely hungover. We where chatting and getting along so well, I was happy and showed zero signs of jealousy or paranoia! And I think that was eating him, because his mood dropped! And he suddenly started throwing in comments about girls hiring on him and dancing with him and how much attention he got, how he was loving it, but his sisters friend was cock blocking him all night being over protective of him (he then moved on to trying to make me jealous about her) so I snapped and said "yea she's probably fed up watching you cheat on your girls over the years and was cock blocking you to stop sone other poor girl getting hurt" his mood dropped and he said, can we please get off this convo. Infact I'm going to go here I'll text you when I'm heading down the road later! (He promised me that me and him would take our daughters to watch the fireworks display last night) this was yesterday morning, and he ended up switching his phone off and ignored me the entire night. I was so pissed and sent numerous texts to him expressing how annoyed I was.... then at 8 this morning he texts me "still drunk, need more sleep, text you when I'm up" I wrote are you fucking serious! Is that it like no apology or explanation or phone call about last night or nothing. And all I got back was, ended up drinking with my mum, I'm sorry! And that was it. Now itsafter 6:00pm, and there's been absoluelt NOTHING from him!!! This is seriously usual behaviour from him, especially when we where getting on as well as we where!! I don't understand and have no idea what to make of it. I've tried to contact him loads and his phones off again! Is he seriously trying to really fuck with my head and play games or what! 😭😭😭 this is a man who tortures me all the time to make things work and iowmuch he loves me! Yea looks that way! I've never felt so let down. And so hurt. And so in the dark!