Weird/rude to give food instead of money?

I don't really have money... my husband is the only one working (part time) and I'm going to school, but I tend to be a person that wants to help those in need.


There's a couple of homeless people that tend to hang out at my school (it's downtown by the bus station and our library is also the public library). I never have any money but sometimes I have some extra food in my lunch I give out like hard boiled eggs and such.


They still always ask, but I never have money and sometimes I only have a little food when to share (1 extra egg or something but a group of 3 fellows). I've been homeless before, so I know that there's a lot of great people out her that simply have been put into a terrible circumstance. I always feel like I'm not doing enough, or by saying "I have no money, but I've got an extra egg in my lunch" may appear to be offensive.


So many homeless people are assumed to be terrible alcoholics etc. Am I being rude or weird? I simply just am living paycheck to paycheck and don't have the time (currently) to volunteer for programs that help those in less need.