trust issues and insecurities

I am in a relationship, been with him for almost a year now. he is a good man but most times I let my insecurities and trust get in the way. I have been cheated on not once but twice that I know of, first time was the worst, back in 2012 I was admitted in ICU; prior to that I had a gut feeling and suspected my partner was being unfaithful. well when I came out of ICU I got home and I found a woman's belt and some underwear. that "boyfriend," I had at the time was an abusive relationship that I couldn't seem to get out of. well fast forward, I've dealt with issues like paranoia, insecurities. my now boyfriend swears he isn't cheating on me and he wouldn't do that ( he knows my past) I let these thoughts and doubt's fill my head that I start feeling he is, any little thing I find or if I notice things I instantly get this feeling and I know it can just be me and my issues, idk how to let go of the past and this fear I have. I need to renew my mind but how can I do that without feeling insecure.