Insecurities? Maybe, maybe not, not sure. In need of advise please


So my boyfriend of a few months has a friend that is a girl. This girl is very attractive, not gonna lie a lot prettier than I am. He’s worked with her before and became friends which is understanding. She has a boyfriend, and when they have issues she talks to my boyfriend about their issues. And vice versa.

Well a few weeks ago he gave her a ride to her boyfriends work, which I didn’t mind but found out from him a little while after he did it. Which was weird because he had told me he was home all day and just grab some food to eat and then fell asleep... that alone was a bit sketchy to me. Today though I was looking through his pictures and found pictures of them in the same positions him and I take pictures. I didn’t want to bring it up to him because whenever I do he just says “guess I can’t have friends huh” which irritates me and he knows it.

Should I be upset? Am I overreacting? I’m really uncertain at this point.

Also to add on I’ve been having dreams of him cheating and people in that dream directly telling me he’s cheating. I really enjoy his company. But I don’t want to be getting played with. Help me please.