Now I just have to wait

Becky • My angel 18-11-17 👼🏻 My little rainbow 17-09-18 👶🏽🌈

So last night I had my second early scan as my first one was only at 4-5 weeks due to a bleed. I could tell it wasn’t good news. He said the sack has grown, developed another sack inside which is apparently normal, but couldn’t see anything else.

Next steps is another scan in a week. But I already know the outcome , he said it’s highly likely it won’t develop.

So now I have to just wait for the bleed...I don’t even feel like I can function. I feel like someone’s just smacked me over the head with a hammer.

We got pregnant the week we signed our <a href="">IVF</a> forms after 2 years of trying. My first ever pregnancy and now it’s already over. So so so so gutted and truly heartbroken 💔💔💔