No one thought she’d be this big!
I had been in prodromal labor since 36 weeks and was at 2cm, 80% effaced, and at -1 to 0 station for 18 days. Every time I saw the doctor at appointments she couldn’t believe I hadn’t had her yet. It was so very frustrating to have contractions and never progress!
Then I had bloody show for 2 days on 10/28 and 10/29 and crampy contractions every 5-20 minutes and had a feeling it would be soon. Sunday night, 10/29, they started getting more painful through my back and legs and I got hopeful! I tried to sleep a bit but they woke me up every 5-7 minutes. I got up and took a good shower and they persisted, so I hung out in bed and tried to relax as they got closer together. Suddenly they became a bit more intense, causing pain in my back, hips, and down my legs coming every 3-4mins and I had started to need to breathe through them to manage, so I called my doctor and told her I thought it might be real this time!
We got to the hospital around 5am and once checked in, the contractions had become very painful and I was feeling them horribly in my back. So badly that they made me vomit and didn’t stop hurting in between. I was devastated to learn that I was still at 2cm and 80% effaced after laboring at home with some pretty rough contractions for 4 hours! Because of my pain and back labor, my doctor recommended epidural- though I had planned on going Med-free, I wasn’t progressing because of the stress it was causing my body.
Yes, the epidural is magic! After 3 hours of painless labor on the epidural with a peanut ball and napping, I had still only progressed to 3.5cm, so they started a pitocin drip which helped to progress her down to a +1 station and 90% effaced, but dilation was just not happening! So... The doctor broke my water- which is when it got SO INTENSE.
I noticed I started being able to feel contractions just slightly on my right side again, I let the nurse know and they flipped me over so that the epidural could work its way with gravity to that side. It worked for a while and then I realized it was getting worse. I hit the bolus for more epidural but the next contraction hit before it kicked in and felt almost as bad as having NO mess. I was breathing through it and felt the pain go to my back again and I vomited from the pain. They turned the pitocin down and had the anesthesiologist come in a give me another dose of a bigger bolus, I felt better and thought it would work.
The nurse then checked me again as it had been 3 hours and I was at a 10!! Shocked, we all got ready to push and while they were getting my doctor and setting up, the pain started back. I began vomiting from the pain and falling asleep between contractions. They had the anesthesiologist come in again to deliver another bolus and the nurse gave IV Zofran to help me able to lay on my back to push. Once I realized how fast pushing was going I got my second wind, got so excited, and couldn’t stop smiling.
I couldn’t feel a thing, but after just 4 rounds of pushing in 25 minutes she was out- all 9lb2oz of her!! Everyone thought she would be less than 7lbs as I was tiny while pregnant AND she was early at 38weeks 5 days! She has a full head of hair and LONG nails- you’d think she was late.
I had the BEST team. My mom and sister were there continuously refreshing cold rags on my head and neck during both labor and pushing, and feeding me ice. My husband was beyond incredible- he kept catching my puke in the little bucket and replacing it for me. He told me constantly how good I was doing and how proud he was. While pushing I felt like I had my own cheerleading squad and it made all the difference.
I had a super easy pregnancy and a really difficult labor, but in the end I was only in labor at the hospital for 12 hours and

I have a big, healthy baby who latched right on to nurse and has been so easy in her first 24 hours. I look at her and can’t believe we made that little human! It’s so worth it, the tough days and the 9 months of being an incubator. 😂
And no matter your birth plan, don’t feel bad when you have to change it. I just wanted a healthy baby, and when my natural birth plan caused her and my body undue stress, I was ready to do whatever the doctor recommended, which resulted in an easier labor than I would have otherwise had, and the BEST pushing experience I could have asked for. I will never forget it!


And the last bump pic I took, 3 days before she was born!
And here she is 24 hours later:

EDIT to add: I did have a second degree tear due to her arm coming out with her head, otherwise she doesn’t think I would have torn. That’s likely also why u had back labor- she was positioned on my very pronounced spinal process in a way that just made for a difficult labor with a big baby.
So, I wanted to include my postpartum tips:
1. LOTS of pillows! Having body support helps tremendously when your body is recovering. Put your feet up, knees up, then sit up, try to change around every 20-30mins.
2. A comfy robe. It makes it easier with all the pads and going to the bathroom and worrying about bleeding through- it also makes it easier to breastfeed!
3. Keep water by at all times and hydrate ALL DAY and through the night too! This also means to make sure to pee more often. You may not feel the urge as much- but your bladder will be full.
4. KEGELS! They speed up healing and help if you have stitches- keeps them from feeling like they’re pulling. Just start with a few at a time and work back up to 3 sets of 10 per day.
5. Put some pads in the freezer- your perineum will thank you! Also, witch hazel pads, lidocaine spray, duralax to soften stools, and a squirt bottle and dabbing dry with toilet paper (no wiping!) will help with the initial days of swelling and discomfort, stitches or not. I am using the mesh hospital undies too, to allow plenty of air circulation. Take care of yourself and stay off your feet as much as you can. Also- the first post partum shower feels amazing- but get right back in bed or on the couch - don’t push yourself if you start feeling better. Give yourself at least a week, hopefully 2, to really recover before spending much time on your feet- things get swollen again and pains start back.
And 6. Ask for help. Having family here planning meals and cleaning and walking the dogs is a massive help even though it doesn’t seem like much. I also plan to use instacart to order groceries and hired a housecleaner through Handy after family leaves so that I don’t have to run to the store or clean for at least 4 weeks. We also have friends offering to bring by meals- which we always say yes to! Having food ready to eat is such a massive treat!
I hope everyone has easy labor and deliveries, and all of you recover quickly!
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.