My November baby turned in to an October baby!
Wow so surreal to be writing my birth story! I’ll tryyyy to make it short, but I️ doubt it. I️ had a really hectic/scary delivery. Sunday night I️ decided to go into L&D; because my contractions had gotten consistent. I️ checked in and was 2 cm, so they held me for a couple of hours to see if I️ could dilate some more. An hour later three nurses rushed in and started moving me because the babies heart rate dropped. So they admitted me to keep an eye on her, two hours later again her rate dropped, we noticed her rate was good when I️ would lay on my side, so I️ did all night, my contractions started getting stronger and closer together so they gave me the epidural, omg that shit hurt so bad! On Monday, oct 30, everything was going fine while my nurse checked up on me and baby and she looked worried, she pressed the emergency button and said she needed the doctor ASAP, so doctor and 4 nurses came in, no one told me what was going on, they kept changing my positions and checking my cervix and hooking monitors up to my vagina, ugh getting my cervix checked would hurt so bad. They finally tell my husband and parents that the babies rate keeps dropping but they finally got it back up, an hour later her rate drops and she’s not getting enough oxygen this time everyone rushes in, they spread my legs open and start checking me everyone is freeking out, the doctor says baby isn’t in right position, she has me push twice and then looks at me and tells me she can either try to deliver her regular but will have to use a vacuum or I’ll need a c section, but first they need to rush me to the OR to check on baby and see what’s going on. This is the scariest moment of my life, they rush me out of the room not telling my husband or family what’s going on, they don’t let my husband come with me I️ start crying but I’m trying to stay calm as well, until I’m in the OR room I start crying a lot more and shaking, I️ was so scared, one
Nurse held my hand and kept telling me everything was going to be okay. They tell me I️ need an emergency c section, they start putting everything on me, and they ask me if I️ can feel the knife pokes I️ say yes, and everyone starts freeking out saying my epidural didn’t work so they have to put me to sleep. I️ wake up super numb and sedated, can’t even talk or move, finally they bring me over to our room where baby and family are waiting, I️ just start balling when I️ see her. It was the happiest most scariest day of my life, I️ would have never imagined I️ would have any complications because everything was fine during my doctors visits, the doctor tells me that the chord was wrapped around her neck that’s why she wasn’t responding. I️ was so heart broken I️ couldn’t hold my baby because I️ was so sedated I️ couldnt move, but now I️ can’t let her go!
Meet Luna, she is a spitting image of my husband. Born October 30 at 10:53 am. Weighing 6lbs 11 oz. Her original due date was suppose to be Nov 8, but I’m so glad I️ have her now!

Let's Glow!
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