Supply gone at 6 months


My baby had his 6 month appointment Friday and we found he has lost an ounce since his 4 month appt. He’s now in the 9th percentile and had been in the upper 80s previously.

He had been pulling off and crying a lot when I tried to nurse for a week or so, and I had mistakenly thought it was hurting his gums due to teething. At his peds recommendation I tried pumping to get an idea of what my supply was like and to my surprise barely got an ounce from both sides. I know pumping isn’t always indicative of what the baby’s getting, but when I was building my freezer stash I was getting much more.

I can only get my baby to nurse in the morning now, the rest of the day he just cries and won’t stay latched so I’ve been bottle feeding. I’ve been pumping 7 or more times a day for 30min+ and only getting about 5oz in 24 hours. I’m drinking mothers milk tea and taking supplements. I always try nursing in a quiet, dark room before giving him a bottle. Is there anything else I can do? My letdowns while pumping only last about 30 seconds and then the milk flow stops completely. I can maybe get one or two more within those 30 minutes.