Implantation Bleeding or Period???

Brianna • Momma of 1 in Heaven 👼🏼❤️ momma to everleigh amariah 💜💜

Okay so the past few days I've felt so sick to my stomach, I have peed so much, and I die of thirst! I took a pregnancy test this morning bc it was the day my app suggested I take a first response and it was very negative. So I thought I just wasn't pregnant. But my period comes in 6 days so I was just going to wait it out. This morning I had slight cramps like needles in my lower stomach where my ovaries are (just like my last pregnancy) but then today at work I thought discharge was at it again and I went to the bathroom to check and it was very light to where I only had to wipe one good time it was light red almost like white and red mixed and since then I've had "come & go" cramps.

Is this Implantation Bleeding or Period?