She’s Here!!
Okay, I finally have time to write my birth story. Original due date was 11/2. On the morning of October 25, around 2:30 am, I woke up with a very strong contractions. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks for weeks, but I knew these were different because this pain was much stronger. I decided to just breathe through them since I had an appointment with my OB at 8:30 anyway. Get to the doctor at 8:30, she could tell I was in pain so she hooks me up to the contraction monitor and checks my cervix. Contractions were coming at 4-5 mins apart and I was dilated to 3 cm. My OB was concerned about my blood pressure (previously elevated at my last appointment as well) , so she told me to head to labor and delivery.
Got to L&D; at around 11:30 am and went through the whole registration process. Once I was hooked up to the monitors my contractions were still 4-5 apart and I was still dilated 3 cm. Started potocin around 1:30 pm & my contractions starting coming closer together 2-3 mins. Though painful, I was breathing through them pretty well. Doctor came in and checked me at around 5 pm and I was 6cm dilated. My pain was getting toooo intense so I opted for an epidural just so I could rest before pushing and get relief. Boy was that epidural heaven for me.
8:30 comes and I’m feeling a lot of pressure. My nurse calls the doctor and she comes in to break my water and tells me I’m at 10 cm! Start pushing at 9:10 (they waited for my baby’s head to come down more) and at 9:54 my precious baby girl entered the world weighing 6lbs and 9oz....couldn’t be more in love.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.