FINALLY (update #2) update # 3

Laysia • May25th 2018💙✨

I could cry right now I went to the doctor for what I thought was the flu turns out I am 2MONTHS PREGNANT!!!!! After 5+ years of trying I am finally pregnant

Update: Baby due in late may/early june (don’t know the EXACT due date because we don’t know when my last period was but they know Baby will be here early June or late may) i find out gender January 15th💓 i will keep everyone updated☺️ thanks for all the support

Update: ITS A BOY!💓 due June 6th 2018 he is so active & i love it 😊💓

Update : so i was due June 3rd 2018 (they changed my due date) i delivered him may 25, 2018 at 11:30am birth story below!

So as i was sleeping i woke up at 10am to what felt like a burst.. then a big gush of fluid being the person i am i was STILL in denial that it was my water breaking lol so i used the bathroom as usual felt pressure as usual didn’t think too much of it so i wanted to take a shower clean my sheets since i thought i had peed in them lol started having a few contractions but i swore up & down they were Braxton Hicks because everyone told me that they’d hurt so i text my mom tell her what’s going on she told me call my dr just Incase it was my water breaking.. so i call them they tell me take a warm bath wait an hour if I’m still feeling the same come in & they’ll do a stress test to monitor contractions & a swab to see if it was my water breaking so i get in the tub contractions started to get stronger nothing i couldn’t bare with because i already had bad period cramps. So i tell my mom i can’t wait & my water was still leaking after the fact i already dried off we get in the car & literally i can feel him coming down the birth canal of course my mom thinks I’m playing & it isn’t the real deal because of how calm i was so we get to the hospital the doctors check me & I’m thinking they’re going to tell me I’m 2-3cm dilated ( i was 1cm a week before) NOPE!!!! They told me i was 10cm & it was time to push I’m like.. “excuse me?” Lol so as I’m pushing I’m making phone calls to his dad because he was gunna miss it by the time he answered it was too late he was out 😂 5-6 pushes no epidural he tore me to a third degree i got 6 stitches let me remind you i woke up at 10 left the house got there at 11:15 had my son at 11:30am weighing 7lbs 1oz 19in long born at 38weeks + 5 Ny’Zeir Royal Price

1st pic is when he was first born

2nd pic is now 1 month later weighing 9lbs 10oz 22in long 💗