How do you all cope?


I'm coming up on what would have been 20 weeks for our baby. We lost the baby at 11 weeks and had the D&C; the day I would have entered my 2nd trimester.

My question for you all is ... how do you cope? I figured trying for our next baby would help me get through it. I figured I would find meaning in the loss by getting pregnant again but I keep ending up with BFNs. I feel like trying is making me more of an emotional wreck considering my first and my last pregnancy only took 1-2 tries.

Every time I see a new pregnancy post or one of my friends post their pregnancy belly (and there seems to be an unlimited amount on my Facebook) it just reminds me that I'm not pregnant anymore and I'm not anywhere close to being pregnant. I never want my friends to feel uncomfortable to talk about their pregnancies with me and I want to share in their joy but every time I put on a brave face and reassure them that I'm ok I just go home and cry about it. It's emotionally draining.

My husband has been supportive but I feel that he just got over our loss so quickly. And all he tries to do is 'fix' it by telling me I should just go to counseling, or think about the positives in our life. Which is great, but thats not what I need right now. I just don't even know what I need.

It just sucks being reminded every time I go to the bathroom to check my ovulation, or change a pad that I lost my baby.

So how have y'all been getting through your miscarriages? (Besides alcohol because that doesn't seem to be helping)