Genetic screening + trisomy 18

Safe to say that I'm freaking out!

Monday: my OB called to tell me my claritest bloodwork came back +trisomy 18 and that they gave me an 11% PPV. My OB referred me to a specialist.

Tuesday: went to specialist and had level 2 u/s, all looked ok but the doc said it's too early to tell if the baby has it by u/s. she gave us a choice to do a CVS(sample of the placenta with a fine needle) which can be done now, or wait till 16 weeks for amniocentesis (sample of amniotic fluid). We said no to the CVS and we're having another ultrasound at 16 weeks and then we will decide if we need the amnio. Also today, I went to get another blood test (different brand this time) to see if that comes back high or low risk. I guess I feel like if another test comes back high risk I should get the CVS. I'm a wreck, my anxiety is through the roof and I feel myself detaching from the baby emotionally, I'm afraid to get even more attached to this baby. I'm so scared and I don't know what to do.