Can Cats Sense Ovulation?


hi ladies. so i am owned by 4 cats. 2 males, 2 females, all desexed. i have Roach (Male)

Squishy (Female)

Nala (Female)

and Nuka (Male)

my kitties all love me but they dont always want lots of pats and cuddles which is fine because otherwise i would get nothing done. but for about 3 days a cycle my cats all want my attention all the time. most of the time i can sleep comfortably with the cats at the foot of the bed or on the window ledge. but during these 2-3 days i have Roach on my pillow curled up around my head (and i get to listen to his loud purring all night) Nuka sleeps on my stomach and kneads my belly until he falls asleep (which is very relaxing) and Squishy sleeps right beside me pretending the other 2 cats dont exist. Nala sleeps in her usual spot but during the day she follows me everywhere and climbs up every piece of furniture screaming (literally) for pats and cuddles. could they be sensing ovulation? or are my cats just nuts. i was beginning to think im not ovulating. sorry for the long winded story but i love talking about my cats