Pregnant after 10 years on Depo ☺


Yup. That's right.

Got my BFP tonight!!!

After 10 years on Depo... And a lifetime of hypothyroidism.


However, I made it a point to be off of depo for a year before even TRYING to get pregnant. Same thing with my acne meds, I stopped anything that wasn't strictly topical a couple years ago. Plus, I made sure my thyroid levels were on point as well before we officially "tried". I guess I decided to control anything I could since the actual act of conception was completely out of my hands.

I'm freaking out!!! This is the most exciting/terrifying/nerve-racking thing to ever happen to me.

But... Until I am 100% sure af isn't show her ugly face this Saturday, I'm not telling ANYONE but you ladies. And I bought another 2 pack of first response tests today... Even though I've taken 5-6 cheapie tests the past few days and all had faint lines. I can't help it 😐 I want that "I missed my period" excitement! Crazy, I know, but I've been looking forward to that moment since last July!

Here's hoping for a healthy baby! Baby dust to all my lovely Glow ladies still trying for their BFP.