So confused 🤷🏽‍♀️

Okay... A little ran down on what’s going on.

I had my child at a young age and the father and I was never seeing eye to eye. I went my way and so did he. After we break up I found out 2 months later I was pregnant. NEVER TOLD HIM until she was 7 months old (I thought I could have done it on my own) but I needed his help. But After all it was worth less because he still didn’t help at all. He NEVER brought pampers, wipes, and etc... for the baby nothing !!

Fast forward 3 years later now. God blessed me with a amazing Man. We got engaged and then we got married. It’s been 2 years happy with my husband. But my daughter father is mad that she calls him “Daddy” and she has no knowledge of her real blood “Father” no baby picture, no first bday and no first day at daycare pictures. She only knows my husband.

Now he wants to be active in her life again and I am VERY cautious about it. I don’t want to set my child up for a NO SHOW Father. I am being called a f@&ked; up person because I don’t want her around him. Plus he’s saying thing like I hope you tell her the truth, when she get older.

I feel like I should tell her about him but.. she’s still young and maybe won’t fully understand. My husband doesn’t like him and just wants to protect his wife and daughter. I do feel bad about her not knowing her real dad. But also feel like I am protecting her from a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT.

What are your thoughts on this ??