My husband treats me like crap😔

Today I woke up really sick. My two kids went to my moms after lunch. I have a fever and a really bad headache and had been throwing up. When my husband got home from work (I'm a SAHM) I told him this and he made me tea. He then started yelling at me about a "dark spot" on the carpet. My daughter had spilled some potatoes from lunch on the carpet and they got smushed in a little by my son so steam cleaned them up and the spot was dark because it was still wet and drying. He then INSISTED that I must have spilled coffee and I'm lying about him because I don't want to get yelled at. He then proceeds to call me a liar for AN HOUR. An spends an hour on his hands an knees scrubbing a spot with no stain. He then says the house is too messy because I've been sick and haven't had the energy to clean today. He starts vacuuming the house. Then tells me I need to sort the laundry which I do. He cleans the toilet (which were already clean) and starts asking what it is I do all day and it's like living with a 14 year old, all because I couldn't clean today. So we clean until 8pm and I almost faint. I sit down and he tells me I need to pull all the furniture out of our sons room and steam clean it and while I'm doing that he's just STANDING in the kitchen doing nothing. So he then asks where his shirt is. I say it's in the laundry I sorted and then he then proceeds to dump ALL THE LAUNDRY I just sorted onto the floor. And starts to walk out insinuating I need to put then all back and reorganize. So at this point I'm heated because I feel like crap and I say "I'm not picking those up again, do it yourself" he then hot so mad he PUT HIS FIST THROUGH OUR BEDROOM WALL. When I asked him what the hell? He said he got mad so he did it and it wasn't me who had to fix the whole so why did I care? He then went and got laundry out of the dryer dumped it on our bed and told me to fold it while he sat on the couch on his phone. When I was done I asked if he would like to talk about what just happened and he said he had nothing to say. I asked if he wanted to eat the dinner I made and he said it was disgusting and he didn't want it and went to bed. He then left me up, feeling so sick, to clean up the mess he'd made from cleaning the non existent stains and all the stuff he just thrown everywhere while cleaning. Now he's in bed for an hour, I just finished cleaning and have no idea what to do. My kids come home tomorrow. I feel like he just doesn't care about me at all. What would you do?