I took my older children trick or treating and walked 4

I took my older children trick or treating and walked 4.5 miles I went home showered ate and laid down to rest. I was unable to sleep due to insomnia as usual after my long days. So I was reading my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> and birth stories wishing dearly I would have my baby at about 3am I had a strong contraction but that was normal I had another 5 min later that was normal then a few mild ones so I decided to play a game I turned a Lil bit to adjust myself felt and heard a pop and I knew right then my water broke labor started  immediately I called my mom showered again not knowing the next time I’ll shower and contractions at this point came full force . I didn’t think I was go make it to hospital I screamed every contraction that breathing went out the door. I arrived at hospital put in triage and was admitted immediately because my water broke and I was 4 cm . I cried please epidural they said they had to wait for labs and anesthesiologist so they put me in labor and delivery room. At this point I was in pain I’ll take anything for pain they gave me some meds only describing it as stronger than morphine I was hhiiiiigghhhh but it took edge off contractions it wore off after a hour she said because u r in active labor it only work for early labor so I’m in pain again. So they checked my cervix I was at 5 then 20 min later at 8 so anesthesiologist came in he was quick thankfully they checked me again I was 9 five minutes later I was 10 they told me if I could wait for dr wait but they kept running in my room saying turn over so they can get baby heart beat they got it then left. A few moments later came back saying his heart rate keeps dipping so they want to put monitor on his head when she attempted she said he pooped so I said I’m not waiting on no dr we pushing this baby out now because I knew all the risks so I pushed three times and he was out and not breathing they had to get my baby breathing at this point I’m delirious from being tired medicated and just exhausted all I can do is pray and cry help my baby they finally got him to cry and took him to NICU he’s doing great and I was able to feed him by 11:30 pm he’s perfect... btw they put my baby on me knowing that he wasn’t breathing that really upset me ladies please be knowledgeable because these our are babies lives .... good luck !!