Halloween baby

I’ve been reading all these birth stories my entire pregnancy and convinced myself I’d never have one... but here I am, so I’ll share my own. 
I went in for my 38 week appointment and voiced my complaints, we chatted a little bit and I asked my provider for a membrane sweep. It wasn’t as bad as anyone made it seem and I was so excited about the possibility of meeting my baby that I barely felt a thing. After my doc did the sweep he said well, I’m going to call L&D and see what they think. (I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension at 36 weeks) and he left the room. I’m sitting there with my hubby wondering how soon the sweep would work, not at all expecting doc to walk back in and say, why don’t you go up and have a baby today? I almost started jumping and screaming!!!! We, of course agreed, and thanked him a zillion times as we power walked to labor and delivery. So I get in and get settled, I was in total disbelief and they start me on pitocin. Well that shit wasn’t bad, it didn’t work and they had to do a folley bulb. Now, that mechanical dilator - omg I was a demon while it was in, and once it popped out I felt so much relief it was INSANE- well at this point I’m to 5cm, baby looks good, things are slowly progressing, until they’re not progressing at all. I was 5cm for 8 hours and they decided to break my water. That was prettt cool, and then the pitocin started to work it’s magic. They had me on the highest dose and I was not progressing. So we stop and try again, and at this point I’ve gone to a 6, ok I’ve been in labor from 9am-11pm and I finally ask for some Tylenol and my epidural. Guy comes in thirty minutes later and I am stuck to the bed by 11:35. Things keep going and then my nurse gets someone else from the hall, not even sixty seconds later eleven staff members are in my room, shoving oxygen on my face and rolling me from side to side. One person gets a second IV in and I hear he words “emergency c section” wow that’s the last thing I want but baby ended up getting his heart rate back up and after several hours they start me back on pitocin. At this point my epidural starts to wear off on one side so, they adjust, and it stops working on the other side. They adjusted it once more and it then stops working in the middle of my back and I feel every contraction. I am on the peanut ball and changing sides every hour to try and get things going when they finally start to happen! I get checked and I’m 8/9cm! Within 5 contractions I call my nurse in and she says not quite, and leaves me. My next contraction I knew it was time and called her back in. She gets me set up and calls the doctor, and another woman was crowning so the doctor says she will let me do a practice push to see who needs to deliver first, and sure enough I almost pushed him out on my first try but they had me stop so I didn’t bruise his face. Two pushes later and my baby boy was laying on my chest. He immediately latched and started feeding. My Halloween baby ❤️