New wife looking for advice from the vet wife’s

I’m having a really hard time adjusting to marriage. My husband and I have only been married 5 months and it’s been the hardest 5!months of my entire life. I’m ashamed now to admit now that I thought there would be a honeymoon phase, but there never was. It did t take long at all for us to start fighting a lot about everything, and when my husband fights he rages cursing throwing things, spitting nothing is out limits, it’s to the point where I’ve already left the house to stay elsewhere. We didn’t live together before we got married I’m sure that’s a big part of it. As soon as we got married we pcs’s to a new base maybe that’s part of it too. My husband has ptsd and we’re just getting him on a routine of therapy and meds that he’s for the most part comfortable with and isn’t refusing right now so he is trying. We’re not having sex anymore, I thought this would be the point where we were so In love we can’t keep our hands away from each other, but my husband never wants to have sex with me. I honestly feel rejected and sad about it. I know we got hit with so much so quickly and we both feel completely overwhelmed, to the point where we have both acknowledged maybe it wasnt the best time to get married. But sense we are already married my husband says he wants to try and make this work. I love my husband but I’m so afraid of what’s happening to us, and I’m afraid that this is actually marriage. I just don’t know what’s considered “marriage is work” and what’s crossing the line. I don’t know when it’s time to let go. I’m so confused and so frustrated because I love him,and I deeply care and want him to get better for himself way more then us, so I don’t want to do anything drastic just yet. A apart of me feels like i need to lie in the bed I made because I love him, I wanted to get married and I knew everything before making that choice. I guess I just never expected it to hit this hard this fast. We are still so young and I can’t imagine us being so unhappy for the rest of our lives.