Nov. 14 baby came early


On 10/27 at 6pm my water suddenly broke. luckily it was after work, and I was in the parking lot going to my car with my husband. I was 37w and 3d, and had no signs of labor before then, and was not at all dilated.

Spent few hours at home to get myself packed, and to wait for our babysitter for our 3 year old. Had some mild contractions at home, but they were inconsistent. Got to the hospital around 8pm, checked an hour later and I was 3.5cm. Contractions were still mild but gaining on frequency and strength. I was admitted and given a room around 11pm. The midwife told me to rest up, thinking it might be awhile before labor

really got started. However, once I got to the room everything started moving quickly. By 1:00 was 7cm, and having intense contractions. My husband called for the midwife and she prepped for delivery. By 1:45, baby was here!

The labor was very similar to my first, but things progressed even faster. The worst pain only lasted about 45 minutes. Each contraction was massive, but that just meant I was closer to pushing and meeting baby. Lyle was also very small, which helped immensely! Born 5lbs 5oz.

However and whenever you go into labor, I wish you all the best! Your body knows what to do and you're capable of amazing things.