Really?! 🙄😒


So i posted these pics on my Facebook & Instagram with the caption... now if i ask to please not ask about me still being pregnant what makes anyone think that joking is an exception??

About 15 minutes after i made the post i get this comment...

I get you’re trying to be funny or whatever but at this stage in pregnancy & the way i feel there’s absolutely nothing for me to laugh with you about. My entire lower body is swollen af, i feel so heavy that even as a Crossfit junkie, i don’t think i can continue putting myself through the strain of exercising, my sinuses are still crap like they have been my entire pregnancy, i don’t sleep, the list goes on & on. & you honestly feel that it’s the perfect time to “joke” with me? Now i get that her joke may not have been as harsh as I’m taking it, but honestly as many times as I’ve heard people say that to me during my pregnancy I’m just over it 🙄 so for someone to come onto my post & DELIBERATELY make that comment i feel is just rude af & doesn’t respect my wishes.

Other than being completely anxious about WHEN lil man will make an appearance (cause i honestly think he’ll be late) 🤦🏾‍♀️ & the fact that i plan to do natural VBAC & i haven’t dilated or lost my plug or had the slightest hint of possible labor, I’m just so frustrated with the fact that i still have to go to work with only one week of pregnancy remaining (because my doctors or medical refuse to write me a note to be excused from work) 😒, my maternity uniform doesn’t even fit comfortably anymore, therefore i begged my Senior Chief to allow me to wear my PT uniform or my Navy sweats to work. A sneaker chit would’ve been out of the question because my black shoes don’t fit. The only pair of shoes i have that fit comfortably & without struggle are my Nike Flyknits 😩🙌🏾 so thankfully Senior Chief said i could wear that so i can be comfortable. Im just so ready for this to be over. I’m just trying to remain positive with all that i feel is against me right now & focus on these last days of pregnancy & birthing a healthy boy. Why is it so much to ask not to be messed with? 😩 no jokes, no “you’re still pregnant?” comments, no “omg! That’s a big baby.” Remarks. Shut up shut up shut up! Let me live! 😫 rant over 🙃🙃🙃🙃