Dealing with birth.


How do people cope with your birthing plans not going as planned? When I found out I was pregnant again I was so excited to go through birth again. I wanted to go into labor naturally like last time but no meds this time. I had everything planned out perfectly but everything was ruined. My water broke at 36 weeks and I went straight to the hospital where they told me my baby was coming but first and we would have to turn her which meant an epidural. So that made me upset but whatever I was still going to push her out. Fast forward to the turning. She only turned half way when I started heavy bleeding and next thing I know I’m in the or for an emergency c section. It’s only been three days but I can’t help but be completely devastated with how everything went. I feel like I failed my daughter, my body failed and everything. I feel like I can’t do anything because I always hurt....