I dont know what to do? 😔

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years we are 22 we just had our baby girl and recently he’s just been calling me names and treating me like shit, and last night the baby was fussy and crying a lot and I was rocking her to sleep and he was sleeping and I guess her crying was making him mad so he comes and try’s taking her away from me rudely and I didn’t want to give it to her and he slaps while I’m holding her and then try’s to do it again and I held his hands, it’s not the first time he’s done it, being in this relationship is hard and I can’t anymore, I want to tell his mom or see if someone can talk some sense to him but nobody listens and he always tells them that I’m making it up or that it’s not true, I don’t want to tell my family either, we live with my parents also! I just don’t know what to do