Rolling scooting crawling? What's your baby up to?


Our little one (5 months as of Oct. 31) has been rolling from back to tummy for quite a while now. For the longest time I never thought she'd roll back over. I think she's been able to this whole time (since she could go from back to tummy) but likes being on her belly so much that she wouldn't go back the other way. My husband went to get her up one morning and we were amazed that she just rolled herself onto her back with absolutely no effort like she's been doing it her whole life or something LOL! I now find her waking up on the opposite end of her crib in the mornings and the sitter recorded her scooting herself off her blanket when she was playing on the floor. When she's on her tummy and wants us she looks like she's trying to swim across the floor but just doesn't get anywhere yet. She's starting to figure out her walker too which is exciting!

What stage are your little ones at now?