I'll never forgive myself


This past Thursday while bringing in bags from the store, my barely 2 year old puppy ran out and was killed by a car in front of my house. I am 26 weeks pregnant today. I cannot get the image and sound of the accident out of my head. It keeps replaying like a nightmare I cannot wake up from. People keep reminding me I have to stay calm and take care of the baby in my belly, but I keep breaking down and crying. My appetite is gone. Sleep is not happening. I see my sweet goofy puppy everywhere I look. This pain is overwhelming. Every time I look at my husband and we just sit in silence it kills me. I don't know how to accept that she is gone. I don't know how to stop putting the blame on myself. I feel like our family will never feel the same and we will always have a hole where Trinity used to be.

Any advice, prayers, guidance would be appreciated.