Weird Pregnancy

This is my second pregnancy and I’m having the weirdest symptoms. For one, I’m having constant period cramps and I’m 5 weeks and 5 days. I am almost always nauseated. With my first, I did not have any of these weird symptoms. I am also concerned because my hcg levels are a little on the low side. They are indeed rising though. Yesterday I went to get it checked and it was 5600. However, the nurses, doctor and ultrasound tech couldn’t see a yolk sac or fetal pole. They told me it may still be too early. I’ve had no bleeding whatsoever. The doctor did an ultrasound and did not find any bleeding in my stomach and does not see a pregnancy outside my uterus. I think they could be right. With my first pregnancy, I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 7 weeks. All the pregnancy tests I took in the beginning came back negative. So maybe with this pregnancy the baby is also a late bloomer?