Miscarriage Expulsion Timeframe

I felt cramping on the right side of my uterus. I went in at four weeks and was told everything was likely fine and that it was too small for any actual tests.

I had three bouts of light brow spotting.

I miscarried at 6wks. I found out at 8wks after telling the doctor about the spotting.

I’m now 10 weeks. I have an appointment next week to decide on D&C; or pill. So this question may be null by then.

My questions:

1. When will my body figure it out and expel the fetus?

2. Are their any symptoms that precede natural expulsion?

I have a few but I’m not sure if they relate to the expulsion onset or just weird pregnancy hormones.

Also, please no apologies for my loss. I didn’t loose anything. The genetics for this child weren’t properly aligned. It was never a viable pregnancy and my awareness doesn’t change that. I refuse to let a miscarriage destroy me.

Thank you for respecting my choice not to grieve.