
So I can finally say something openly since my best friend who uses this app now knows!!!!

So on Halloween morning something just told me to take a test. According to the app my period was supposed to start on Sunday and I had no spotting or anything. Usually Wednesday is when AF decides to show, so I told myself that I would wait until Thursday to test.

Well, I sat there drinking my coffee and something in me just said to take the test. I had a First Response left over from my ovulation kit and a Clear Blue digital. Thinking that it wouldn’t be positive I thought, “well I’m not wasting a digital test on that,” so First Response it was. I sit the test down after I took it and went to do something else. Walked over a minute later and I see

A big fat positive!

I just started crying and looking at my dogs and telling them that they were going to be big brothers 😂 My husband had already gone to work and immediately the wheels in my head started turning, how was I going to tell him?

So I drive to Target and go the baby clothes to find a onesie. We just built a house and throughout the entire build we had designated one room as the nursery secretly between us.

So I get the perfect onesie and hang it in the closet along with the test. When he got home I told him something was wrong in the closet in the nursery and then followed him up as he opened the closet door to this

I decided to take the digital test that evening before he got home out of excitement.

He is so happy and excited! We told his best friend (who has been wanting us to have kids since before we got married) and he and his wife were ecstatic!

Then I knew that when I saw my best friend in person again that I HAD to tell her, she’s

been the only one all along that’s known we were actively trying. So since we both love Disney, I decided to tell her like this yesterday..

I left it on the couch and waited for her to find it. When she did she was so happy! She’s been sending me texts and pictures all day today- I could not ask for a better best friend and husband.

We are so so so excited!! We are telling his parents on Tuesday and my parents shortly after. We’re going to wait until my confirmation appointment at the end of the month until we tell my brother and my husbands siblings and grandparents. Getting ready for July 2018!!!

🎊🎊🎊Baby dust to all of you!! 🎊🎊🎊