I hate disappointing people

So this guy who is honest to God only my friend got me these very expensive tickets to a concert. The thing is he's mad clingy with me and it's gotten very weird. Its gotten to a point where I've had to block him from social media because he would show up out of nowhere to places me and my friends were. For my bday he asked what I wanted and I said I didn't want anything. Not to be rude I just feel weird accepting gifts. But instead of just listening to me he gets me tickets to see my favorite artist. Tonight I told him I just can't accept this big of a gift and I feel uncomfortable because I am in relations with someone at the moment. The concert isn't till January so he has plenty of time to sell them or go with someone else. But I feel awful because I feel he's upset and I feel if he can't sell them maybe I should give him the money for my ticket. What do I doooo???