My easy and beautiful labor!

Sydney • Advice, friendships, baby dust, & more✨

I was originally due November 7 but because I was at risk for preterm my entire pregnancy and dilated to a 4, she decided to induce me November 3 at 5 am

4:45 am - we got to the hospital and got checked in super quick, they hooked me up and checked me. I was still 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced, they decided to go ahead and start Pitocin immediately

6:20 am - after I got my IVs inserted and water going, they hooked up the Pitocin and started upping my dosage every 30 minutes. My contractions were beginning and they only felt like moderate period cramps, but definitely stronger than Braxton Hicks.

8:30 am - my doctor came in and this point and said I was getting contractions but was not yet in active labor, she went ahead and broke my water which went every where and was leaking a ton. I was 5 cm by this point. It didn’t hurt but it was definitely gross. Within MINUTES my contractions went from a 3 to a solid 8, and from there went up to a 10. I had a short time window to get the anesthesiologist in otherwise I would be able to see him until after 10:30. The contractions were getting so bad I was starting to tear up and needed everyone to be quiet so I could focus through the pain. The epidural was seriously a breeze, hardly painful at all and made the contractions a million times better.

9:30 am- they kept upping my Pitocin because contractions were slowing after the epidural

12 - I started to feel pressure again and some tingling in my legs and uterus, the tightening and cramping started slowly coming back. I got concerned so I called my nurse and she checked me, I was at 9 CM!!! She started prepping the room. By 1:30 pm the nurses started having me push 3 times with each contraction. Each round got harder and harder, I could feel the pressure in my eyes and my head with how hard I was pushing. I couldn’t feel any pain in my vagina or cervix but I felt enough sensation to keep pushing. Between each break I could barely open my eyes and would take deep breaths to get my energy back. I felt so close to giving up but they said they were seeing hair and doing so good I knew I had to finish off strong and meet my little girl. Soon after my doctor was called in.

2:46 pm - my sweet baby girl came into the world crying and ready to meet my skin, I was in complete and total shock and amazement. She cut my twice but stitched me up right away, lots of blood and TONS of water came out after she came well. 8 pound 1.8 ounces, 19 1/4 inches long

Overall such a beautiful and amazing experience, around 8 hours of labor. I feel so blessed everything went so well.