Toxic relationship? Please help

So I met my husband 3 years ago and we have a 2 year old beautiful baby girl. We of course are living together and I know it would be hard but I just don’t know what to do with what he’s done. We’ve gotten into arguments and then when he gets real mad he can’t control his anger and hits me in some way he mostly tries to choke me. He’s called me very insulting names before. Throughout my childhood I was sexually abused and I know not to take any abuse from anyone. I really don’t know what to do I never talked to anyone about it except my mom and that was one time I had to call her because I was actually scared for my life he tried taking my phone away so I wouldn’t be able to call my her. (I know this isn’t an excuse for what he’s done), his dad(alcoholic) calls my mother in law names and used to hit her and has even sent her to the hospital once and my husband has seen it all. I know everything starts from the childhood but he doesn’t want to seek help nor does he think he has a problem. Is there anyone going through the same?