day 4 or is it 5?


Still having irregular painful contractions. Keep getting the urge to poop but nothing happens. Last night the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart for 2 hours and then stopped. They were getting increasingly painful but I could talk through them. Contractions are on the top of my belly for the most part but my lower back hurts right along with them. I've had a lot of pressure lately and tons of that wonderful lightening crotch anytime I'm standing or walking. I've so had no appetite at all, just the thought of food makes me sick. And not sure if it's at all related or just an old wives tale, but my cat - who normally wants nothing to do with Me at all, will literally run away from me if I try to touch her - is all of a sudden following me around and jumping up on my lap and purring like crazy. She even gave me kisses on the nose and is currently sitting right behind my head. I don't know what's going on. I know my body is gearing up and it's basically just a waiting game at this point. I but man these contractions are confusing the shit out of me.