Anyone else have a petite baby? 👼🏽

Frankie • First Time Mama 🤱🏽 Insta: @amari.kai 👼🏽

Born 6lbs 5oz, 20.8in. Now 4 months (3 months corrected) currently weighing 10lbs 5oz, 23.2 in. There hasn’t been any concern about his weight thus far as he is consistently gaining weight and not losing any. He seems happy and healthy and meeting his milestones but he’s definitely on the petite side and slightly under the 3rd percentile. I’ve always been happy to say that he is tiny but I’ve recently become self conscious about it due to my mother in law giving me constant grief about his weight and pushing for me to put him on formula. I’d like to exclusively breastfeed for as long as possible and I’m currently trying different methods to increase my supply. Now I’m constantly comparing bubs to other babies most of which are much bigger and chunkier than him. Am I the only one?