HELP!!! Boyfriend hates my cat šŸ˜æ

Katie ā€¢ Lover of lipstick, pasta, and Paris.

Iā€™m so upset, yā€™all.

My boyfriend met my cat back in December, when we started getting serious. My cat is my BEST friend. We have a bond beyond explanation. When they met, my boyfriend loved him.

I moved in with my boyfriend in July. I brought my cat with me. Now, all of a sudden since moving in, he treats the cat badly. Iā€™m not saying abuse, not by any means. But here are some examples:

He complains about Skully constantly. He calls him names, too. Such as ā€œbastardā€ and ā€œc***ā€.

When Skully climbs on my boyfriend to lay on him or cuddle, my boyfriend just pushes him off and acts disgusted.

Skully has slept in the bed with me every single night for 4 years, and he has recently stopped. He sleeps downstairs curled up in the cold. Iā€™ll go down to get him and heā€™ll purr like crazy in my arms, but as soon as I bring him in the room and he sees my boyfriend, he leaves. I havenā€™t slept well since he stopped sleeping with me.

His ears are constantly perched back near my boyfriend, like he canā€™t relax and is always on edge.

My boyfriend treats him like a toy. Heā€™ll pick him up and hold him uncomfortable ways, poke him in the face, skid him across the floor, throw him on the couch, chase him, things like that. Itā€™s okay to play around like that sometimes since cats are entertaining, but he does it CONSTANTLY. Iā€™ll tell him, ā€œPlease stop. He doesnā€™t like that. His tail is thrashing/heā€™s meowing angrily.ā€ And my boyfriend just gets pissed and says ā€œJesus Christ, itā€™s a cat.ā€

Itā€™s definitely putting stress on the relationship. And on Skully. Iā€™ve included some before pictures of Skully as a happy cat and the last picture is what he looks like all the time now.

What do I do? Itā€™s breaking my heart and I donā€™t think I can be with someone who doesnā€™t love my cat as much as I do... let alone someone who treats him like a toy. I donā€™t want Skully to become ruined. And yes, Iā€™ve tried talking to my boyfriend about how it bothers me.

His sad face that he looks like all the time now:

UPDATE!!! Things have gotten worse. He straight up tells me the cat is a stupid animal and that he doesnā€™t have a soul. He has yanked Skully by the tail TWICE since I posted this. I chewed him out after Skully yelped in pain and he yells at me and says the cat is fine.

I canā€™t do this. My boyfriend just storms out of the room when I try to explain things to him about how I donā€™t appreciate how heā€™s been treating Skully. When weā€™re in bed, I just cuddle Skully and keep him safe and sleep away from my boyfriend.

I think itā€™s over.