Please tell me im not seeing things... update!


Okay guys, this may be a little long so bare with me...(first time posting!). My fiance and i have been TTC for 9 months now and no such luck. Decided to test by fluke this morning since AF is due tmrw and ive had no usual sypmtoms. Were currently 14 DPO and got this with FMU. 1 pic withouth flash and 1 pic with. Im so used to seeing a BFN that i took the test and left it. Pic was taken at 4 min mark. I swear thats a second line but i honestly feel like im convincing myself that it is! What do you ladies see?

Update: well ladies, you were right! Looks like this faint positive turned into the real deal! Took this first response earlier this afternoon and there's no questioning it!