What a Tease! 39 Weeks Today!


Contractions started around 7 PM last night lasting about 45 seconds every 2-3 minutes. They were moderate, but not to the point that I felt I needed to go the birth center. Talked to my midwife and she said to just let her know when I felt ready to go in. Laid down around midnight to try to get some rest and woke back up at 2 AM still having moderate contractions. Bounced on my ball and watched some TV until about 4 AM and then laid down again. Woke up at 6 AM to mild contractions about every 6-8 minutes only for them to die off around 8 AM. What a tease! Midwife thinks my body is just gearing up for labor and that it might start back up again this afternoon or tonight. My first did the exact same thing so I'm cautiously hopeful!!