Wellbutrin and egg quality

Beth • Mama to 2 beautiful girls 💕 Secondary Infertility, baby #2 IVF w/Icsi 💉 God is good 🙏🏼

Hey everyone. So I’ve been ttc for a few years. Unsuccessful on meds and timed intercourse left me completely depressed and crying every day. I knew that I had to do something, and went on Wellbutrin. I am 100x happier.

We are planning <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in February and I’m doing everything possible to have healthy eggs. One thing I’m not sure about is the Wellbutrin. I will taper off it if I get pregnant, but what about before and during the process? Has anyone been on it and had healthy egg retrieval that resulted in a successful pregnancy?

My RE seemed to have no concerns as long as I taper off if I get pregnant.