Freudian slip during argument with abusive ex.

I’m 9 months pregnant and recently left my child’s father because I found out he was sleeping with one of his employees.

I moved my things into storage and drove 10 hours away to my parents home.

My ex has expressed that he wants to be present during the birth, under one condition. That none of my family is present in the delivery room.

I told him that I want him and my mother in the room and that I won’t choose between the two of them. He won’t agree to that and says he’s not coming.

He’s upset that I left and moved so far away. My dr won’t clear me to travel back since I am 36 weeks pregnant now. He says traveling that far isn’t safe this late in pregnancy. Luckily my aunt is an obgyn and has accepted me as a patient so I can deliver here in my hometown.

He feels like I took his child away from him. The coworker was woman #6 that I found out about since July of this year. It’s only November 🙄Some were “just women he met online and flirted with.” He claims to not have had sex with them all but I don’t believe him and at this point I don’t care. He took my forgiveness for granted and now it’s all gone.

He told me that he now hates my parents because they didn’t force me to come back to him (I’ve been with them for the past 3 weeks). For 1, we’re not married and for 2 no one can force me to do shit.

Instead of owning up that he’s the reason I left, he’s saying that my family is holding me and his son hostage.

Anyways, while discussing this he goes on to say, “it’s not fair that you’re over there getting love and affection from your family.” And I’m thinking well if you were giving it to me instead of your little bimbos then maybe we’d still be together.

My bf was adopted cross culturally and has some pretty severe identity and attachment issues. Which is why I’ve tried to be so patient with him and reassuring that I’m committed to the relationship (I understand all adoptees don’t experience this, but he DOES.) But enough is enough. If you’re smart enough to know that you need to hide your infidelity you’re smart enough to know that what you’re doing is wrong and put an end to it. I’m done with excuses.

I also suspect he has some narcissist qualities as well. He lies all the time. I told him that in order for me to come back he needs to get into counseling, stop his addictions and prove to me that he wants me.

He gave me the name of a counselor he sees daily but I couldn’t find any information on her. The closest counselor with that name is 7 hours away and he said they have face to face sessions every day. Yea right. I haven’t outed him about that lie yet or request more info. At this point I really dgaf.

But could he really be jealous that my family loves me or am I missing something? That’s not normal right?