Does he actually care?

Jenica • Naps and cuddles are what I'm about 😴 give me food and I love you forever 😘😘 Snapchat me at jenbunny1018 😉😉😜 and hey, I’m singleeee 😘😘🤫🤫

So a few days ago I posted how I was gonna try and get my ex back. Just today I saw him post on Snapchat saying he was gonna try and bang his mom’s young surgeon. It hasn’t even been a week since the breakup and he’s already posting things like that and I’m not gonna lie my heart felt like it was being ripped up. And now I don’t even know if he even cares about what happened, does he even miss me at all? Because I miss him all the time, is that just a way for him to cope? I try to just have normal conversations with him but he just ignores my messages and a lot of times won’t even read them. And yet I can’t help but still love him so much. I’m just so hurt and so lost right now and every time I feel like I’m getting better I find myself crying over that one snap, it just seemed too soon but I can’t force him to not do things. My heart is hurting so bad and my eyes are tired of crying.