Dont give up Ladies!! 💗💗💗


TTC is not as easy as people may think right? Many of us has to go through so much just to have a baby. Some of you may be lucky and get that BFP your first time trying but then there’s us (myself) that keeps trying and trying to where you just wanna give up! You start to feel useless, u don’t even know what to do anymore😔 Let me testify what I been through and hope my story can bring hope in your TTC process - back in Oct 2015 I found out I was pregnant , my husband and I were so excited our first baby together . Going on 2 months of my pregnancy my first Dr appt we were told there was “No heartbeat” and basically I am about to have a mis-miscarriage. Mind you I had no spotting no bleeding , I just couldnt believe my Dr told us that. A week after cramps started coming in and boom there it was clots of blood. I was depressed blaming myself , my husband . I had a natural miscarriage , Dr told me give it about 3 months after to start trying again. From Jan 2016 - Oct 2017 we were trying for so long to where I felt something was wrong with me. My cycles became irregular I felt after that miscarriage threw off my period . Finally I went to see the Dr in July of this year, he put me on Birth control pills for 3 months to help regulate my cycle , Dr said after my 3rd cycle my periods should be back to normal and my chances of ttc will increase . Oct 7 was my last day on bc pills. My period came on 10/1/17 lasted until 10/5/17-Oct 15th was my Ovulation day & I noticed I was ovulating , my husband and I made sure to BD on those days. We prayed everyday , i told God it’s not in our will but let it be done in yours. I am a strong Christian we believe that God is a God of miracles, God hears your prayers he sees our hearts, we just gotta trust God in this process. Everything happens in God Perfect timing and not ours. Last week I noticed my period was late , took a PG test & there I seen a big BFP !! My heart just broke in tears thanking God for answering my prayers, I give all my praise and Glory to our God. Please Ladies don’t give up, there’s hope and God will bless you . Don’t give up , let go and let God take over💙