Daughter Cries Nonstop When With Her Father...


My daughter is almost 10 months old now. She has begun to have tantrums whenever you take things away from her, leave the room, etc. She is easily distracted from these things so they don't last long of course. My husband works two jobs and is only home for a few hours a day four days a week -- the other three days we are lucky to see him for a few minutes. When he is home, he is too tired to do much with the baby (or at least thats his excuse) so I am the one who does all of her feeding, changing, bathing, monitoring, putting to bed, etc. Olivia (my daughter) loves her daddy and does sometimes cry when he leaves. She smiles huge when she sees him and does things to make him laugh. He is only alone with her for a few hours two or three times a month while I am at work on his half-day off. Today he calls me at work to tell me she has been having tantrums all day and he doesn't know what to do and he can't handle it, then hangs up on me. I had to send my mom over there to help him as I can't just drop everything and leave work. My mom says she is acting fine and my husband said she is making a liar out of him. She's normally such a happy baby. There's always the chance she is coming down with something I guess, but I wonder if anybody thinks her behavior could be to do with her and daddy never seeing each other or what. I feel like every time my husband is alone with her, he finds a reason to make me come home or have a friend or family member come over to help. This is really starting to stress me out and effect my work. Help?