So confused please help


So my husband and I (we got married 9/3/2017) have been talking about another baby. We have 2, a 9 year old girl, (not bio his, but his daughter), and a 2 year old boy. I have recently quit my job to stay at home, very hard for me as I have had a full time job since I was 12. So anyway we have been talking about another baby. He brags to everyone that we are ready and REALLY trying. The only thing is, he is not trying at all. We have only had sex 5 times since we got married, and it's not like It was before. It is like he wants people to think we are, please excuse my language, fucking like rabbits. But in reality I am feeling completely unfulfilled and when people talk to me about us trying so hard, I feel I have to lie to them for him. I love my husband but its hard when I feel I should just get back on birth control. Maybe that will take some of the pressure off of him. So I'm supposed to start my cycle today. I have always been very regular, like to the hour. I feel horribly the I hope I start. With our son he was afraid to have sex, but you should see how his eyes light up when he sees a pregnant belly walk by. I want another baby. He says he does too, but his actions say not so much. The last few weeks I've had to wake him up off the couch just to go to bed at night. It does not make for a very good night at all, he is a very hard sleeper so waking him up takes over an hour just to get him to the bed room. Then feeling like he doesn't want to be in bed with me because instead of even cuddling with nee he grabs either his phone or the remote. Am I asking to much, I just want some one on one time. Even if a baby doesn't come from it. What do you think? Should I get a job, and start birth control? Or continue trying?