Help me with my problem

HE told me he loved me HE tells me I’m beautiful HE makes me happy, but he’s the one who broke me into a million pieces that no one will be able to pick up. I swear it’s like I built a wall around my heart then I will open the gate just a little bit just for them to see a little bit of me. Then they send in an army to break me all down again. I had to try to rebuild the wall like 3 Times now. Idk what to do anymore. I’m just done. If I was really worth keeping, these people wouldn’t just break me like they do. But what does this say about me? Oh yeah, I’m worthless. THREE GUYS did the same exact thing to me and I’m sick of it. It’s like I’m there and then they find something that they like more. Like wth is wrong with me. I need some help.