Keeping my secrets


My third pregnancy I'm seven weeks and I found out almost a month sooner then I did my daughters.Im always nauseous and I had bad diarrhea and vomiting last night.I don't want anyone to know I've told my bff but she will not tell anyone but because my family is real jealous type I can tell when I had my daughter they were not happy for me and plus they know her but they don't want to get to know her.They try to play favorites and if you don't want both you won't get either and I just don't trust them.My grandmother called my oldest a orphan when I was pregnant and when you pregnant everything hurt your feelings a lot more and I still don't understand why but her son is basically a Sperm donor never been a dad to me I literally been on my own since my mother died.they can't wait to judge or talk about me because they are miserable with themselves.They hate that I'm so strong and push through anything it's like they want to see me fail because they know they would have.Almost done with my degree and I have dreamed of this baby only because I had an abortion right after my daughter she was 2months at the time.So I want this baby and I feel it is Gods plan and I need this baby I just don't want anything to go wrong . I don't need Negative energy around me this pregnancy I won't allow it or I'm flipping shit🤷🏽‍♀️