Heart Shaped Uterus & Tear Drop Shaped Gestational Sac


Hello ladies, this is my first time ever posting. I am 22 years old and just found out 2 weeks ago that I am expecting my first baby. I have no idea when I conceived, however I suspected I fell pregnant in September (wrong). I was having some cramping and bleeding and being that I thought I was 6-8 weeks along I went to the ER where i found out that I really conceived in October (I know nothing about this bare with me) they did a vaginal and abdominal ultrasound and no pregnancy was visible since I was so early however, they did tell me that my uterus is “heart shaped” and my HCG levels were 308 (whatever that means). I found an OBGYN, he did an abdominal ultrasound and found my pregnancy but said that he was concerned about the gestational sac because it was “tear drop” shaped and did warn me of miscarriage. Has anyone else experienced this? I am a nervous wreck and between this and nursing school I feel like I’m about to breakdown.