

This feeling sure has it ups and downs I never want anyone to experience anything like this feeling happiness with a positive pregnancy test and the doctor confirmed everything gave me papers to look over and noticing all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and few short weeks I miscarried heart broken feeling like my life shattered into pieces things were great amazing to unexpectedly unexplainable I will never forget that day of confused look on my face couldn’t speak just in shock. That day replays in my mind almost everyday April 21 day I miscarried and my life won’t ever be the same my baby was due in December holidays arent the same all my friends are having babies but I’m sitting here just lost someday trying to figure out what’s going on why I’m feeling like this. My life won’t ever be the same I’m sorry to sit here and complain but venting it helps me to understand it’s not my fault god had plans for my baby one day I will understand more. I just feel broken